



An entity that amalgamates pre-existing visuals with their own.
its outputs are characterized by a glitch-infused, horror themes.
Frequently animated with custom audible effects.

*h7lyx is not an AI and does not endorse the use of AI in the creative sphere.

Similar: helyx, artist, vfx


[C O R E  P R O J E C T S]

[Core Projects]

The core of all projects stems from here.
This is the source of all experience and initiative.
These are also the creators passion projects.
Project uploads are limited but expressive and carefully curated.

This showcase contains all h7lyx projects,
one of which has progress report.

Explore Core Projects [here]


Spur projects are upon the creators own random spurs.
This category explores the side projects.
But also projects that don’t fit in Core or any other primary subjects.

This is a collection of numerous projects ranging into several content types.
This includes a peek into the history of said projects or photographs.

Explore Spur Projects [here]